"Old Version" Error and how to fix it

Publish date: 2024-06-26

Players from all over the globe are complaining about a new error they've been getting in Among Us. This error isn't letting users join lobbies, thereby hindering gameplay. This new social deduction game has gone viral globally, and almost everyone these days is playing it.

So what is this error and how do we solve it?

Among Us 'Old Version' Error

Players have been complaining about the error "The game options received were from an older version of Among Us." Despite being developed by a skeleton crew, this game has shown very few errors. Initially, most players ran into errors only because the servers were expanded to cover the massive player base that the game had generated.

But with this new error, players have been stuck a fix. So how do we solve this issue?

To begin with, make sure you have the most recent version of the game. If the problem still persists after the update, read on below and try the fixes we have listed.

#1 Restarting the device

This is probably the oldest method of fixing any error. If you've received the error message a bit too many times, try restarting Among Us after rebooting your device.

#2 Try a different internet connection

Among is a title that is almost entirely played online. Having a poor or dysfunctional internet connection could cause various errors, including this one, to pop up. Try switching networks to see if the issue is actually from your end.

#3 Join the beta program

Joining the beta program might help solve this issue. Speculations say this issue has cropped up because of the fact that too many people are switching between the beta program between games. People with the beta program are playing with people who are not enrolled in the beta program as well. So consider joining the beta program for Among Us, and that probably will solve the issue.

Follow this link to know how to join the beta program on your Windows devices.

For those who are playing Among Us on their Android devices, follow the steps given below to join the beta program.

Head over to Google Play Store and in the search bar on top, look for Among Us.

Then navigate to their page and click on Join beta, right at the bottom of the screen.

That should probably help you bypass the problem.

This new problem has begun to show up after InnerSloth released with an anti-hack patch for the game. If the problem still persists after the above steps though, you might want to just wait for the new update to come out.

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