What is burl wood worth?

Publish date: 2024-06-13
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The majority of burls, particularly layered burls, are of little or no monetary value. A bigger eyed burl in excellent condition, on the other hand, should fetch between $25 to $200, depending on the size, species, and quality of the burl. I’ve had burls that were up to 8 feet in diameter, as well as many that were in the 4-5 foot range. Those may be valued up to $500 or more in certain cases.

So, what exactly is wood burl?

As a tree growth, a burl is characterised by grain that has grown in an abnormal manner. In most cases, it may be found on or near the tree’s trunk, at the base of the tree, or even underground in the shape of a spherical protrusion. It is brought on by a kind of stress, such as an injury, a virus, a fungus, an insect infestation, or mould development.

Second, what is the monetary value of a black walnut burl?

Walnut burls may be valued anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000 — and sometimes much more — depending on their size, weight, and texture, and are in high demand among end users.

So, how can you determine the value of a wood burl?

Buckeye Burl – complete burls ranging in size from 2′ to 6′ in diameter and 24″ to 36″ in height. Up to 1000 pounds, the price is $1.90 per pound. $1.85 per pound for the first 1,001 through the last 2,499 pounds. For orders of 2,500 pounds or more, the price per pound is $1.80.


Straight Grain is priced at $10 per board foot.

Curly Wood is priced at $15 per board foot.

Birdseye is valued at $25 per board foot.

Lace Burl is priced at $35 per board foot.

Where can I get my hands on some burl wood?

Despite the fact that burl wood may be found almost everywhere on a tree, it is most often found on its trunk and at the base of the tree, as well as as a spherical subterranean protrusion. Burl wood is unique in that the grain develops in a completely different, deformed, and strange way than other types of wood.

There were 28 related questions and answers found.

Is it possible to destroy a tree by removing a burl?

Woodstock, Georgia, United States of America According to my professional experience in the landscaping business, removing the burl would not necessarily cause the tree to die, but the large area of bark that has been removed may expose the tree to a wide range of potentially lethal disease and insect issues.

What kinds of trees have burls on their trunks?

Redwood, oak, ash, maple, madrone, elm, and walnut are some of the more common burl species. Mappa (poplar burl), thuya, and imbuya are just a few of the exotics that have extremely popular burls, but there are a plethora of others. redwood burl veneer, bookmatched, and a vase crafted from a redwood burl.

What is the best way to harvest burl wood?

Preferably, I’d wait till the tree has attained maturity before chopping it down in its entirety. The ideal approach to harvest them is to leave a little amount of regular wood on each side of the burl, around 6-8 inches in length. Taking a black ash burl and cutting it into parts.

What kinds of trees have burls on their trunks?

Burls may be classified into a number of well-known categories. Quality burl wood may be found in a variety of species, including redwood, walnut, buckeye, maple, baldcypress, teak, and others.

What is the process of creating burl wood?

Burl wood is obtained by harvesting a tree or a section of a tree that has a burl on its trunk or branches. A burl is a growth on a tree that is created from the tissue of an unsprouted bud. Large, knobby-looking growths develop at the base and trunk of the tree, forming a burl in the process. Stress, such as that produced by damage, fungus, virus, or insects, results in the formation of strong grain patterns.

What does a burl on a tree seem to be like?

They have the appearance of spherical bulges that are coated with bark. These strange growths are known as burls. While burls normally start off tiny, they may develop to be rather enormous. Burls on redwood trees, for example, may grow to be so huge that they can support the growth of new trees!

What is the best way to dry burl wood?

Cut a foot of excess wood from the trunk on either side. As soon as it is practicable, seal the container. Allow the excess to dry for many years before trimming it back. Check the moisture level of the fresh cuts and re-seal to allow them to dry for another year.

What causes a tree to develop a burl?

A burl is formed when a tree is subjected to a great deal of stress. It may be brought on by an injury, a virus, or a fungus, for example. The majority of burls develop under the earth, linked to the tree’s roots as a form of cancer that is not noticed until the tree dies or comes crashing down.

What is the appearance of buckeye wood?

Color and Texture of the Wood Buckeye has a broad white to greyish sapwood with a darker irregular heartwood that is more irregular in appearance. Because of the presence of blue stain fungus, the sapwood is readily stained and often becomes a dark blue-black colour. The pores in the wood are very tiny and evenly dispersed. Only a faint outline of the growing rings may be seen.

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